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Meet Steve Klein.
Cash flow expert.

Helping businesses experience a better bottom line and feel confident
about their finances for over 25 years.

25 years in finance

Not a stuffed suit (really)

Driven by your success

25 years in finance

Not a stuffed suit (really)

Driven by your success

Are you ready to move your business forward?

I can help you do it.

I’ve always had an affinity for numbers. They speak to me in the same way music speaks to a composer or ingredients speak to a chef.

When I first got into finance, I’ll admit, I was wooed by the idea of making money. But it didn’t take long for me to realize that a big salary didn’t matter if I wasn’t helping people. So, I decided to use my super powers for good and leave the corporate arena.

Now I use my abilities to identify patterns and reveal potential solutions to help small businesses master their finances. I’m approachable, down-to-earth and driven by my clients’ success. In a world that often tends toward black and white, I understand the nuanced decisions facing most small businesses. I will support you in making the necessary changes to improve your cash flow.

I’d love to help you feel confident — and maybe even a little bit excited — when you look at your balance sheet. It’s totally possible.


Steve Klein headshot.

Ready to change your relationship with your cash flow?

Schedule a complimentary consultation to see if we’re a fit.